Prof. O. Röhrle, IMSB

Vice Dean Prof. Röhrle coordinates new DFG-PP

May 26, 2020 / kur

Robust coupling of continuum biomechanical in-silico models for active biological systems as a preliminary stage of clinical applications – co-design of modelling, numerics and usability

The Senate of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) decided in a written process to establish 14 new Priority Programmes (PP) for 2021. The 14 new groups, which were selected from 49 submitted initiatives, will receive a total of approximately €85 million for an initial three-year period. There will also be a 22% programme allowance for indirect project costs. Each of the programmes describes the overriding topic of a PP. Over the coming months, the DFG will announce a separate call for proposals for the various groups. Proposals will then be evaluated to determine their scientific quality and their contribution to the main topic.

Coordinator of one of the newly established PPs is Prof. Oliver Röhrle, Ph. D., Vice Dean of the Faculty and Head of the Department Continuum Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of the Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems (IMSB)  of the Faculty 2: Civil and Engineering Sciences. The PP "Robust coupling of continuum biomechanical in-silico models for active biological systems as a preliminary stage of clinical applications – co-design of modelling, numerics and usability" is the only new one in Baden-Württemberg - and one of only four newly established PPs in Engineering sciences.

About the Priority Programmes

The purpose of the Priority Programmes is to examine fundamental scientific issues relating to particularly topical or emerging areas of research. All the programmes are highly interdisciplinary and are notable for their application of innovative methods. Supporting early career researchers is a key aspect of PPs, and all new groups also have an equal opportunity concept. Priority Programmes are funded for six years. Currently, a total of 99 PPs are being funded.

Homepage SPP 2311

Contact Prof. Oliver Röhrle, Ph.D., Universität Stuttgart, IMSB, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart, +49 711 685-66284,
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