16th KomS Newsletter published

January 28, 2021 / D. Hahn+kur

[Picture: ISWA-KomS]

The year 2020 was challenging for all and was characterized by new offers at the Competence Center Trace Substances Baden-Württemberg. In the recently published 16th KomS Newsletter, you will find the latest news and information about the current activities and projects of KomS Baden-Württemberg. These provide an insight into the latest developments in the field of trace substance elimination in Baden-Württemberg and at the KomS network partners. Currently, KomS has published two new publications, the brochure "Spurenstoffe im Abwasser" (trace substances in wastewater) and the guideline "Machbarkeitsstudien zur Spurenstoffelimination aufkommunalen Kläranlagen" (Feasibility studies for trace substance elimination at municipal wastewater treatment plants).

In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the KomS web seminar series, which will be continued in 2021. 

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Contact Dr.-Ing. Marie Launay, KomS, Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (ISWA), Bandtäle 2, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, +49 711 685-65420, marie.launay@iswa.uni-stuttgart.de
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